Circumcision is Cleaner

This is the argument used mostly by the uneducated. They don't know specifically what circumcision helps, so they just say it's generically cleaner. Most anti-circumcision advocates will dispute this and say that you can easily keep it clean by yourself. Well they are both right. If you cut something, it is going to be cleaner. There is no denying that. However, if you use this logic and really apply it, we would all just be torsos with heads.

Many people maintain that the foreskin is "dirty." This is again mostly uneducated people. Generally speaking, doctors don't argue this. The foreskin is no dirtier than any other skin that is cleaned. The main theory behind the foreskin being dirty is that the area between the foreskin and the glans is warm and moist. That is a good breeding ground for germs. The main argument against this comes from a well known quote from Doctor Dean Edell. He says, "If a foreskin is dirty, than a vagina is dirtier. If cleanliness is a good reason to circumcise males, than we have a better reason to circumcise females. Water is the solution"

In reality circumcision for ease of cleaning is more of a symptom of culture than medicine. Many women today think of a foreskin and immediately think "ew gross," in the same way that many men in Africa will see an intact female and think the same thing. Both are based in culture rather than reality. Assuming proper hygiene is maintained, cleanliness is a non-issue in both males and females. As we trust females to clean themselves, it shouldn't to too hard to extend the same trust to males, especially considering cleaning a female is much harder than cleaning a male.

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