Introduction to Circumcision

I thought I would post this link at the top of my topic, becuase I am so impressed by it. It does a very good job of telling the pro and anti circ position of most of the issues regarding male circumcision, and then it gives a very reasonable explanation of what is and what isn't. It even grants some points given from the pro circumcision crowd. link

One of the most serious issues I want to talk about is circumcision. I like this topic for a number of reasons. It isn't one of the same tired controversial issues that everyone gets bored about. This topic also makes people very uncomfortable. Getting people out of their comfort zone is always fun.

This is going to be a very long and complicated issue. It breaks down into so many subcategories, and I feel like I need to cover all of them to really do this issue justice. I will do as best I can to pack in as much relevant information as possible in such a small space. The amount of information on the subject is overwhelming. I will do my best to try and walk the line between not giving you a complete picture and providing unnecessary information. For your viewing pleasure this is what you have to look forward to.

I. Circumcision from a Biblical perspective

II. History of circumcision

III. Female Circumcision vs Male Circumcision

IV. Medical reasons to circumcise(conclusions)
B. Cleanliness
C. Cancer
D. Phimosis

V. Cultural reasons to circumcise
A. Religion
B. Social

VI. Why not circumcise
A. Benefits of intactness
B. The procedure itself

VII. The legality of circumcision

Well as you can see this is going to be a long topic. I will publish each topic whenever I can find time to do so. Time is hard to come by. Also lets try to be mature about this. Whenever we talk about down low giggles and laughter tend to follow.

Lastly I don't want to blog using videos, but I thought this one was particularly interesting. This is an abridged version of a documentary done on circumcision. It is anti-circumcision, but it is one of the only documentaries I have seen that lets both sides have their say.


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